How To Tame Frizzy Curly Hair The Right Way

Feeling overwhelmed by frizzy state of your naturally curly hair? It’s been haunting you all of your life and you just cannot figure out what to do tame your frizzy locks. In order to establish a real strategy to tame your frizzy hair, you have to first understand what causes the frizz factor for your hair.


Why Your Curly Hair Is Frizzy

First, did you know that dry hair or hair that lacks adequate moisture is at the greatest risk for becoming a frizzy mess? Frizzy or “poofy” hair occurs as a direct result of your hair’s insatiable quest for moisture. Those with curly or wavy hair have a hair structure that is naturally drier than straight hair, boosting its risk for a frizzy state significantly.

When this mass of bountiful curls confronts humidity or a humid air mass, it becomes a frizzy mess that is very difficult to tame. Your curls and drier hair cannot stop itself from soaking in the moisture of the air –thus, eliciting the appearance of an untamed, poofy mess.

Next, excessive application of heat through blow-drying or curling/flat iron activities can also contribute to drier hair texture, creating an increased risk for frizzy hair.

Finally, putting your hair through a vigorous towel rubbing session after shampooing and conditioning can also contribute to your frizz.

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How To Tame The Frizzy Hair

So, now you know a few of the reasons hair tends to become frizzy. What can you do? Believe it or not, all is not lost. There are a number of actions that you can take to win the war against frizzy hair.


Here are six ways to tame your frizzy hair.

#1. Air Dry When Possible to Reduce the Risk of Over-drying Your Hair.

Avoid vigorously rubbing your hair with a towel during the drying process. This can contribute to the disruption of your hair’s efforts to seal in that much-needed moisture.


2. Avoid Hair Products that Contain Alcohol

You have probably heard your hairstylist say this over and over again. Avoid using hair products with alcohol! Yes, while you may love using these products because they smell great or hold your hair in place, unfortunately, these are the products that contain alcohol. Alcohol can be very drying to your hair structure, creating a hopeless cycle of the frizzies.


3. Lightly Apply Oil such as Argan or Coconut Oil to Your Hair

Argan oil or coconut oil can help you in your battle to tame your frizzy hair.  Oil or even some hair waxes or pomades, lightly applied, of course, can help your hair in its efforts to seal in moisture. It can also help to weigh down those frizzy stragglers that are trying to thwart your efforts towards frizz control. Remember, a little bit goes a long way!


4. Apply Frizz-Control Products Methodically

Be purposeful in your application of products to your hair. Rather than pouring the product into the palm of our hand rubbing it into your hair, slow down to apply your product to small sections of your hair. This will not only help to not disrupt your curl patterns but will also assist you in your efforts to seal in the moisture and train your hair to adhere to a more stable look.


5. Find Hair Products That are for Curly Hair

This probably seems like an obvious step in the process of taming frizzy hair, but focus your efforts on purchasing products that are specifically designed to establish and maintain healthy, curly hair. Don’t forget, curly hair is drier than straight hair. Therefore, you will want to purchase hair care products that are moisture-rich or emollient-rich. Some of these products might include anti-frizz serum, hair masks or even a good leave-in conditioner whose duty it is to maintain moisture.


6. Evolve with the Seasons to Keep that Frizzy Hair Tamed!

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that those wonderful products that carried you through the summer months will also carry you through the winter months. Do your research to find which products work best on your hair during summer months versus which products work best for your hair during the winter months. While moisture-based gels may be great during the summer month, cream-based, oils or hair butter products may work better on your hair during those drier winter months.

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